Curriculum Classes
CEC has produced digital content in 87 UG subjects as per model syllabi of UGC under National Mission of Education through ICT (NME-ICT). This digital content is accessible to the vast population of students and academic faculty overcoming the geographical barriers of time and space.
Empowering People with the Power of Knowledge

Concept Classes
To understand the complex theorems & theories, structures & equations, methods & methodologies, CEC has devised conceptual clarity content to simplify & resolve the FAQs in lucid manner. These are short duration videos embedded with text and multimedia content based on random topics across different subjects for the enhanced learning experience.

Skill Initiatives Classes
Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country. Thus, CEC is making efforts to help GOI achieve the goal of developing a skilled nation. Various short duration vocational courses have been developed for empowering the youth of India for sustainable livelihoods.

Beyond Classroom
CEC has a vast repository of DigiCult content produced by various Media Centres spread across the length and breadth of the country. These Infotainment & Enrichment programmes are meant to “upgrade”, “update” and “enrich the knowledge” of students, “broaden their mental horizons” and “stimulate their urge” to know more.